The Rdella Training® Podcast is brought to you each week by Scott Iardella, Author of The Edge of Strength. The Rdella Training Podcast is a weekly professional podcast dedicated to helping people of all levels train smarter, improve performance, and discover the best version of themselves through a foundation of strength. An innovative strength & performance podcast for today's serious fitness enthusiast. High-quality content, expert interviews, and unconventional topics to get results. Learn the best strength, conditioning, and peak performance strategies with your host, Strength Coach and former Physical Therapist, Scott Iardella, MPT, CSCS, CISSN, SFGII. Learn from Scott and many other top expert coaches, authors, and fitness professionals each week with in-depth, practical interviews to help you train better, safer, & stronger. Forging Athletic Bodies Around The World. For more information and resources, please visit

(#281) Ron McKeefery is our featured guest this week in a stellar interview session that covers his latest work, as well as actionable strategies for productivity and high performance.

Ron McKeefrey is an internationally recognized strength and conditioning expert, author, teacher, leader, father, and so much more.

Coach McKeefery is making a return visit to the podcast this week to discuss his coaching, learning, and productivity secrets that have allowed him to rise to the top.

We also chat about his latest book, Weight Room Wisdom.

Here’s what you’ll learn about this week:

  • How Ron has evolved as a Coach
  • What he focuses on today
  • What is the “Netflix for Strength Coaches”
  • Understand the 3 levels of coaching
  • What are the commonalities shared by elite level athletes
  • The story behind the new book, Weight Room Wisdom
  • The connection between stories and goals
  • Ron discusses his own “goals list”
  • How the book evolved and what it is
  • The practical way to use the new book
  • The power of a question
  • Story examples from Weight Room Wisdom
  • What Ron does today to always “get better”
  • Maximizing productivity with the “Perfect Week”
  • The specific productivity system that Ron uses
  • The importance of the “next action”
  • This “must have” app to skyrocket productivity
  • How Ron manages his goals
  • The 3 greatest attributes of an exceptional coach
  • What is Ron’s “superpower”
  • Advice for “taking action” with what you learn
  • The 2 things that have made him most successful
  • How Ron went from reading only 1 book in college to voracious reader
  • Top book authors he recommends and why
  • The immediate action you can take after this interview...

[click_to_tweet tweet="Failure doesn’t scare me at all. I see it as part of the learning process. - Coach Ron McKeefery " quote="Failure doesn’t scare me at all. I see it as part of the learning process. - Coach Ron McKeefery " theme="style5"]

Our proud podcast partner is Momentous. 

Momentous is my #1 recommended protein that is available on the market today. This protein source is the highest-quality, it tastes amazing, and it's well-tolerated. Don't settle for sub-standard protein supplements. Momentous is simply outstanding. Available in whey or plant-based varieties.

Check out and use the code "RDELLA20" to save $20 off your first order.

I've been using the "Absolute Zero Grass-Fed Whey" blend, pictured below.

I mix Momentous with frozen organic strawberries and a 50/50 blend of unsweetened almond/coconut milk and it is FANTASTIC!

[jbox color="grey" radius ="2"]

The Momentous Minute with Tim Caron

Today's Momentous Minute is with Tim Caron, the owner of Allegiate Gym and performance engineer at Momentous, the sports nutrition company on a mission to clean up the supplement industry.

Today's question is do we really need to supplement with protein sources like protein powders and why?

Tim Caron:

We wish we lived in a perfect world where the reality is we can get all of our protein needs met by food.

The unfortunate thing is we don't. People are busy, athletes are on the go, if your training goal is always to be in a net positive in regards to your amino acid pool, but it's also really hard to get a full complete meal after your workout.

Now when we're looking at post-workout, a really big benefit in terms of recovery is having bio-availability and actual proteins that digest quickly.

Things like whey protein and plant-based protein, they actually digest quicker and in terms of getting your amino acid pool replenished to be in net positive in terms of overall protein, so you can build muscle. Protein supplements do make a big impact.

If we're really trying to get the maximum out of our training, we need to make sure that we're having the recovery aspect dialed in afterwards. And just having a convenient, useful tool to get that protein need met, that does make it necessary.


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The Rdella Training® Podcast is published each week with valuable training information and amazing interviews with many “world-class” coaches, experts, and authors in the fitness industry.

The Rdella Training Podcast is committed to helping athletes and fitness enthusiasts consistently evolve, grow, and become the strongest and best version of themselves. We teach intelligent training and lifestyle for serious fitness enthusiasts and dedicated lifters all over the world.



[jbox color="red" radius ="2"]Follow @RdellaTraining on Instagram for high-value training tips, tutorials and education.[/jbox]

[jbox color="yellow" radius ="2"]Community page:[/jbox]

Spread the word! Please share this on Facebook, Twitter or anywhere you’d like.

[jbox color="blue" radius ="2"]Scott Iardella, MPT, CSCS, CISSN, SFG-TL, USAW, CACWC

Scott's background as a strength coach, athlete, and former clinician are the basis for his one-of-a-kind approach to teaching strength, human movement, and peak performance. Scott is dedicated to helping serious fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and lifters all over the world, regardless of age, background, or training experience, become the best version of themselves through improved strength and skill development for a lifetime of health, happiness, and high-performance.

Scott is the passionate host of The Rdella Training Podcast, a leading weekly fitness podcast in Apple Podcasts where he interviews the most brilliant minds in the industry. Finally, he is the author of The Edge of Strength, available in Amazon and currently working on his follow-up book. To learn more about Scott, please visit our About Page.

Get stronger, perform better, and evolve into the athlete you were meant to be.[/jbox]

Direct download: RT_281___Ron_McKeefery_-_How_To_Become_a_High_Performer.mp3
Category:RT Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:36pm EST

(#280) Tim Anderson returns to the podcast this week in our best interview to date. (Honestly, this one is amazing, folks!)

Tim is the co-founder of Original Strength and the author of several great books about how to restore human movement. His latest book is titled "The Becoming BulletProof Project" and you'll learn all about his great new book this week.

This was a great conversation from the beginning and there are many practical applications in the session.

Here's what you'll hear about:

  • How Tim's training radically changed from the beginning
  • What being "Superman" means to Tim
  • What is it to Become Bulletproof?
  • The advice he'd give his younger self
  • What is it to be truly strong?
  • The importance of "becoming"
  • The importance of "choice"
  • The key to fitness in one word
  • How to combat the aging process
  • Why does the body break down and how to prevent it
  • Understand the mindset in aging
  • What the Becoming Bulletproof Project is all about
  • Understand the "nudge" that leads to action
  • Examples of simple, but brutal workouts contained in the book
  • How to develop a strong mind and body with this system
  • Work capacity vs strength (defining work capacity)
  • What it felt like doing a one-mile leopard crawl?
  • How Tim overcomes doing OS movements in public settings?
  • How often Tim "resets?" And why?
  • Tim talks about his morning routines!
  • Learn about the Original Strength Institute
  • The best thing about Original Strength is...
  • What's the hardest thing (the challenge) about OS?
  • Neck nods and the overhead press - why it works?
  • A specific practice to use neck nods to improve pressing
  • Why Tim wrote the new book and the book he's most proud of
  • The "story" of the 135-pound Turkish get-up
  • What's your next step with Original Strength?
  • Learn about the different OS certifications
  • What's next for Tim?
  • A training practice you can use today after hearing this interview

[click_to_tweet tweet="Exercise is not what you think it is. What you think is strength is really not strength. Strength is being able to live the life the way you want. - Tim Anderson" quote="Exercise is not what you think it is. What you think is strength is really not strength. Strength is being able to live the life the way you want. - Tim Anderson" theme="style4"]

Our proud podcast partner is Momentous. 

Momentous is my #1 recommended protein that is available on the market today. It's super high-quality, it tastes great, and it's so well-tolerated, among other reasons. Don't settle for sub-standard protein supplements. Momentous is simply outstanding. Available in whey or plant-based.

Check out and use the code "RDELLA30" to save 30%

I've been using the "Essential Grass-Fed Whey" blend, pictured below.

[jbox color="grey" radius ="2"]

The Momentous Minute with Tim Caron

Scott Iardella:

Today's Momentous Minute is with Tim Caron, the owner of Allegiate Gym and performance engineer at Momentous, the sports nutrition company on a mission to clean up the supplement industry.

The question today is about the NSF certification. What is important to know about the NSF certification on product labels and can you please explain what it is?

Tim Caron:

The NSF is a third-party group that evaluates products and how we're looking at supplements. A lot of it's unregulated so we need to have some sort of intervention in regards to saying what the ingredients are, saying that they actually have them, someone following through with them, and why that's important for you as a customer. Potentially you're an athlete, potentially you're someone who's under the guidelines of testing and seeing if you're actually under other substances that are not conducive to a competitive and equal playing field.

NSF comes in and meets us in the middle in providing a service that makes companies hold themselves to a higher standard and the process to go through that is fairly rigorous. Having that piece of mind, knowing that a company went that extra step to actually really follow through and have integrity to make sure that they're providing really high quality products that actually say what they mean, that makes a big difference.

As an athlete, as someone who's competitive, or just wants a higher quality, NSF is something you should really look for in your supplements.


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The Rdella Training® Podcast is published each week with valuable training information and amazing interviews with many “world-class” coaches, experts, and authors in the fitness industry.

The Rdella Training Podcast is committed to helping athletes and fitness enthusiasts consistently evolve, grow, and become the strongest and best version of themselves. We teach intelligent training and lifestyle for serious fitness enthusiasts and dedicated lifters all over the world.



[jbox color="red" radius ="2"]Follow @RdellaTraining on Instagram for high-value training tips, tutorials and education.[/jbox]

[jbox color="yellow" radius ="2"]Community page:[/jbox]

Spread the word! Please share this on Facebook, Twitter or anywhere you’d like.

[jbox color="blue" radius ="2"]Scott Iardella, MPT, CSCS, CISSN, SFG-TL, USAW, CACWC

Scott's background as a strength coach, athlete, and former clinician are the basis for his one-of-a-kind approach to teaching strength, human movement, and peak performance. Scott is dedicated to helping serious fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and lifters all over the world, regardless of age, background, or training experience, become the best version of themselves through improved strength and skill development for a lifetime of health, happiness, and high-performance.

Scott is the passionate host of The Rdella Training Podcast, a leading weekly fitness podcast in Apple Podcasts where he interviews the most brilliant minds in the industry. Finally, he is the author of The Edge of Strength, available in Amazon and currently working on his follow-up book. To learn more about Scott, please visit our About Page.

Get stronger, perform better, and evolve into the athlete you were meant to be.[/jbox]

Direct download: RT_280___Tim_Anderson_-_The_Becoming_Bulletproof_Project.mp3
Category:RT Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 3:18pm EST

(#279) Renowned strength coach and multi-book author, Dan John, returns to the podcast to discuss his latest book, 40 Years with a Whistle.

Dan John is one of the top coaches in the industry and a person who has impacted me personally at a very high level, both as an athlete and coach.

His books are some of the most highly-utilized resources in my home library and that says a lot about the value he provides to coaches, trainers, and athletes around the world.

As always, I learn something new and valuable in each conversation. This is a special interview with amazing insights and lessons from his life and his new book.

Here’s what you’ll this week:

  • How Dan’s NEW book compares to his previous work
  • A quick overview of ALL his great books
  • How the idea came together for 40 Year with a Whistle
  • An overview and framework of the new book
  • How the new book has been “writing itself” since 1972
  • The difference between a mentor and a coach
  • What is a coach? The surprising answer
  • What is the important job of a mentor?
  • The best places to find mentors
  • How I read Dan’s books
  • Why Dan’s books are “un-put-down-able”
  • One of Dan’s great lessons about writing great content
  • Why Constant Assessment and Constant Upgrading are essential
  • What it really means to Work O-U-T
  • Why there’s no such thing as a “perfect” anything
  • Why “everything works” for about 6 weeks
  • Things Dan is working to constantly upgrade
  • Goals vs Success
  • What is true success?
  • The impact and mentorship Tim Anderson
  • The story of Connacht Rugby mentored Dan
  • Why Dan hates when people think his work is “simple”
  • The true secret to coaching (the hardest part of coaching)
  • What is snap-a-city?
  • Dan’s take on exercise and fat loss
  • Who Dan wrote the new book for
  • What he hopes readers take away 40 Years
  • What Dan says his great coaches did for him
  • *The top 3 things that Dan says makes a great coach
  • What’s next for Dan after the new book
  • Specific training examples that Dan is working on…
  • What is the art of re-reading?
  • Dan’s closing advice on “making a difference”
  • The hardest workout I know” by Dan John

[click_to_tweet tweet="“It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.” - Dan John" quote="“It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.” - Dan John" theme="style5"]

Get value from the podcast?

Then, please take a minute to review the show. It’s fast and easy to do. To see how to post a review in Apple Podcasts, go to






The Rdella Training® Podcast is published each week with valuable training information and amazing interviews with many “world-class” coaches, experts, and authors in the fitness industry.


The Rdella Training Podcast is committed to helping athletes and fitness enthusiasts consistently evolve, grow, and become the strongest and best version of themselves. We teach intelligent training and lifestyle for serious fitness enthusiasts and dedicated lifters all over the world.

[click_to_tweet tweet="“I want to learn, I want to ask questions, I want to be better.” - Dan John " quote="“I want to learn, I want to ask questions, I want to be better.” - Dan John " theme="style5"]

What makes a coach great?

1-Show up!

2-You can’t quit on yourself or your athletes

3-Ask questions & constantly assess



[jbox color="red" radius ="2"]Follow @RdellaTraining on Instagram for high-value training tips, tutorials and education.[/jbox]

[jbox color="yellow" radius ="2"]Community page:[/jbox]

Spread the word! Please share this on Facebook, Twitter or anywhere you’d like.

[jbox color="blue" radius ="2"]Scott Iardella, MPT, CSCS, CISSN, SFG-TL, USAW, CACWC

Scott's background as a strength coach, athlete, and former clinician are the basis for his one-of-a-kind approach to teaching strength, human movement, and peak performance. Scott is dedicated to helping serious fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and lifters all over the world, regardless of age, background, or training experience, become the best version of themselves through improved strength and skill development for a lifetime of health, happiness, and high-performance.

Scott is the passionate host of The Rdella Training Podcast, a leading weekly fitness podcast in Apple Podcasts where he interviews the most brilliant minds in the industry. Finally, he is the author of The Edge of Strength, available in Amazon and currently working on his follow-up book. To learn more about Scott, please visit our About Page.

Get stronger, perform better, and evolve into the athlete you were meant to be.[/jbox]

Direct download: RT_279___Dan_John_-_40_Years_With_A_Whistle.mp3
Category:RT Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 9:35am EST